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Privacy Policy & Security


RDG International Agencies, its staff, agents and contractors uphold the privacy legislations and laws of Australia.

It is the policy of RDG International Agencies (t/a Save Phace)that information received from clients using this website will be treated in strictest confidence and is for the specific purpose of providing goods and/or services to clients.

RDG International Agencies does not sell or trade in any information or data received from people using this website and all databases are secure and NOT for sale to anyone singular, corporate, organisation, agency or any other party.

No information will be disclosed to any party outside RDG International Agencies without the express consent of the person giving that information other than is legally required by the Australian Government and any of its ministries, departments or lawful agents.


RDG International Agencies use high level security and the services and
fully secured site of EWay(electronic commerce gateway) to provide secure
banking facilities. No records of any credit cards are kept by RDG
International Agencies at anytime.